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Great Progress on PLLDF’s 2 ≠ 1 T-Shirt Effort
PLLDF is happy to report great progress in its efforts to refute the insidious pro-abortion phrase “My Body My Choice” through our 2 ≠ 1 t-shirt project. That phrase, and its devastating effects, need to be stopped in their tracks!
As shown in the photos below, PLLDF’s t-shirt project recently gained valuable exposure nationally and locally. At the January 24th March for Life in Washington D.C., both adults and youth proudly marched wearing our t-shirts. See the photos below of both PLLDF’s Director Kathleena Scarpato and students from Virginia’s Christendom College and Boston’s Suffolk University at the March.
Locally, PLLDF Director Bob Joyce spoke to an enthusiastic group of adults and teens at St. Agnes Parish in Arlington on January 19th. The audience was introduced to our t-shirts and the two powerful short videos posted most recently on our website. Please look at those two videos now if you have not already seen them.
Eileen Cahill, who organized the St. Agnes Parish event, described it as follows:
“Over 40 people gathered in the Arlington Catholic High School Library after the noon Mass last weekend to learn how each one of us can promote life in Massachusetts in 2025. The Pro-Life Legal Defense Fund (PLLDF) is leading an effort to refute the phrase, ‘My Body, My Choice.’ Unfortunately, this untrue phrase was created through an abortion marketing campaign to equate preborn child killing with women’s rights. PLLDF created t-shirts with a simple, true and thought-provoking message, “2 ≠ 1” and “Pregnancy = 2 Bodies, 2 Hearts, Not Just Mom’s.”
A photo below shows a young student, Brendan Cahill, wearing the “2 ≠ 1” t-shirt and standing alongside Bob at the St. Agnes Parish event.
Eileen Cahill is absolutely correct. Each one of us can promote life in Massachusetts by supporting PLLDF’s “2 ≠ 1” project. This project has enormous potential, and it should not fail for lack of financial support.

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Thank you from all the lives that can be saved with your help.