As President of the Pro-Life Legal Defense Fund, Inc. (PLLDF), I invite you to a free showing of this important film. Please share this invitation with others.
As a sidewalk counselor, I am an eyewitness to the human struggle with evil. This movie focuses on the inner workings of that struggle.
Nefarious was released in theaters on April 14, 2023 and grossed over $5 million. Consider what others have had to say about Nefarious:
o Mark Jackson, senior film critic for The Epoch Times, wrote, “[Nefarious is] a theological, philosophical, and metaphysical debate couched in the psychological thriller genre. The world currently needs this debate of atheism vs. a creation featuring a rock-solid moral underpinning that never changes due to human whims.”
o Fr. Robert McTeigue of The Catholic Current of Station of the Cross Catholic Media Network endorsed Nefarious, stating, “If you don’t take evil seriously, you can’t take God seriously.”
o Exorcist Fr. Carlos Martins commented, “I can say, without hesitation, that it is the best movie portraying demonic possession ever produced.”
o Film critic John Zmirak wrote, “Nefarious is the best movie I’ve seen in years,” adding that it “brings us face to face with principalities and powers [and the] calculating entities who cast their shadows today in the abortion industry…”
See Nefarious in Two Locations:
Saturday Dec. 2 at 10 AM on the BIG SCREEN at the West Newton Cinema. Parking is available in the municipal lots off of Cherry or Waltham Street, and on Washington Street, Watertown Street, and Davis Street.
January 6 and 7 at 1 PM at St. William Lower Church, 1351 Main St., Tewksbury, MA
Thank you!